EHMN 2010 WinnersThe jury of the first edition of IT'S MY FILM Festival congratulates the event management and the individual authors on the high quality of the works and the wide stylistic spectrum showed approaching the topic of European identity through the reuse of Home Movies. In this sense it identifies two special mentions to: PIG'S SECRET LIFE by Ilaria Ferretti, for the careful selection of amateur repertoire compared to contemporary shoots and assembled with didactic and also ironic perspective, suggesting the historical gap between the practice of family working in the recent past and the mechanization of the modern factory. LOOKING THROUGH THE IRON CURTAIN by Anja Medved, for the surprising comparison made with sensitive eyes between the great history of the dramatic European separations of the second post-war period and the personal stories of men and women divided by an iron curtain. It assigns the AWARD ITS 'MY FILM FESTIVAL 2010 to: TEMPS MORT by Jasper Rigole, for the refined composition of the film, in the balance between relevant philological horizons and philosophical recreational raids. |